The Turning Point — more fear or a new reality?
Are you getting antsy? Almost ready to burst out? Do you feel like time is ticking and you don’t know what to do? Like you’re starting to gear up? All this is good. Something profound is brewing.
We can succumb to the fear and spiral down into a reality of anguish, control, and nastiness beyond our imagination, or we can transmute the fear and create something unseen before, filled with love and compassion.
Fear and survival go deep
Fear is wired in our nervous system and passed down through our lineage, all the way down into our DNA. Since the beginning of humanity, we’ve been afraid about our survival. Living in caves, fear that a bear or mountain lion could eat us in the night. Not knowing if we’ll starve during the winter, or run out of water in the heat. Not knowing if we’ll survive the war. And now, not knowing if we can survive the hidden wars within our families. Or, can we survive the inner anguish and torment, the nagging thoughts of not being good enough or being unlovable? The terror of being abandoned.
The first time I didn’t have a headache, I was 25. I thought everybody had headaches and didn’t talk about it. I was stunned when I didn’t have a throbbing head. There was no inner concept or construct for a reality of no headache. Then I wanted to be normal. After some contemplation, I decided to explore different worlds I didn’t know existed.
Living beyond fear is like living without a headache. It’s a concept many of us haven’t explored. There’s a world beyond fear.
The Coronavirus feeds on fear.
This virus is bringing up fear to be seen and cleared.
If we don’t have a concept that there’s something different, it doesn’t enter our consciousness that there could be a completely diverse reality.
We can’t envision this new world because we haven’t created it yet. We are the creators. There’s no blueprint that we can see, we are bringing forth our brilliance and weaving together with others in magical ways to watch what evolves. It’s a blossoming, like a field of wildflowers. Spreading, blowing in the breeze, luxuriating in the sun. Dancing for joy. It’s time. Let’s create a new world.
Use this time wisely
Listen to your inner call. Don’t get caught up in the fear. Use your time of isolation to reflect, to bring safety to your body and your gifts. Step back from the madness out there in the world. Retreat inside. Speak up. It’s time to create a new reality. You are needed now. No more excuses. Claim your power. You’ve been waiting for this time. And it’s scary as hell. And the biggest rush of a bazillion lifetimes to usher in an entirely new reality.
I stopped running from fear. Like warm mud, the fear hit my back, cascading down my legs. An amazing mud bath, pulling out all the old, creating fresh, clean space for the new.
Instead of running, I started receiving. Seeing messages. Images of a future me. Becoming this future self that wants to be here now. She wants to get in on all the action. She wants to play in this huge drama that’s taking place on earth right now. She’s one that’s been preparing on unseen dimensions for eons. She wants to come into form and be seen in the world. She’s been hiding, afraid to come out.
The Turning Point
It’s safe. It’s time. You’re being called. This is the turning point. This is what we’ve been preparing for.
It’s time to claim who you are.
Go inside.
Turn on the switch.
It’s time to light up and be seen.
All the stuff that’s hiding inside. You don’t even know what it is. It’s like having boxes in the basement, filled with remarkable, amazing things. But they’ve been there so long, you don’t even remember what’s in the different boxes. All the hidden treasures. All the magical knowledge, the secret recipes for happiness and wellness. It’s time to create a new reality. It’s time to play big. It’s time to go for it.
What an amazing time to be a part of the incredible manifestation of birthing a new reality for mankind. As we birth this reality, it will get big enough so everybody will fit in. That’s called critical mass in quantum physics. When it reaches a certain number, it takes over, creating global change never seen before. Our ancestors didn’t have the tools and technology we have today. We do have the ability to change our thoughts, to shift the wiring in our bodies. Neuroscience proves that the brain changes itself. We can shift our DNA with our consciousness.
It’s safe to be you
We are moving into safety and freedom never known before. Safety that who you are is okay. Everything is evolving in the most magnificent way. We just can’t see it. The way to see it is to change your vision. Look from your deep inner knowing, beyond the rational mind, into your guts and womb. We are birthing a new reality, not from our logic, but from our life-giving essence and ancient inner wisdom.
Discover more and explore working with Dr. Cynthia; she works with clients all over the world!
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