The Great Money Disruption

Dr. Cynthia Miller
9 min readMar 17, 2020


Have you noticed how some money feels better than others?

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

There are two kinds of money, reptilian money and source money. Physically, they both look the same, energetically there’s a world of difference between the two.

Reptilian money carries the frequency of fear, shame, guilt, abuse, and disrespect. It’s based on fear, violence, and panic. Source money is filled with light, compassion, and joy. More than putting food on the table, source money carries a frequency of expansion, co-creation, and well being for all. Most money is somewhere on the continuum, holding a percentage of each type of energy.

Reptilian Brain, Money, and DNA

Reptilian money is connected to the ancient reptilian brain which regulates survival and fear. Aggression, dominance, and territoriality are all reptilian behaviors. Fear keeps the higher brain centers from functioning properly. Advertising, the news, it’s all part of reptilian money consciousness to keep the masses whipped up in a state of fear. It’s easy to control the masses who are in a state of fear. Fear is part of the ancient reptilian brain, part of the unconscious. When fear is triggered, the higher brain functioning of the neo-cortex is shut down. That’s how we are biologically wired.

According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, our neural programming is in place by the time we’re six or seven. Imagine six-year-olds running countries, large corporations, in charge of world commerce. Picture a chain-link fence surrounding a cement schoolyard full of screaming 6-year-olds controlled by the big bullies. That’s what’s happening right now. Until we consciously shift our neural programs and brain patterning we are acting like six-year-olds.


Pretend you’re watching a movie with 40 million frames per second and only 40 of those frames have a picture; the rest is the murky, unknown darkness of the unconscious. That’s what’s happening in our bodies. We have glimpses of a vision, and then it’s lost. Clarity slips through our fingers.

Dr. Bruce Lipton says we have 40 million unconscious nerve impulses per second and 40 conscious nerve impulses per second. Neuroscientists have revealed that 95%-99% of our behavior is under the control of the subconscious mind.

We can’t see what’s in the subconscious. It’s like layers of screens behind our eyes, similar to a stack of window screens. The only problem is the screens haven’t been washed for 50 million years. Covered with goo, slimy bug guts, and eons of dirt, multiple layers block our seeing. When the screens are cleaned and removed, inner light shines out into the world and an expanded vision is revealed. New possibilities and opportunities are visible, the world becomes a magical place to play, rather than a place of pain, suffering, and struggle.

The latest advances in Neuroscience prove that we can change our brains and our DNA. The good news is that research shows we can consciously change the neural programs of our childhood.

In his book, The Brain that Changes Itself, Dr. Norman Doidge, discusses the frontiers of science and the neuroplasticity of the brain. Changing our thoughts change our reality.

Reptilian Money

Reptilian money is created from the fear of lack that we have to keep consuming to fill the nagging inner dissatisfaction. It creates a gaping hole that can never be filled. It doesn’t satisfy the inner hunger. There is always the need for more, more cars, more homes, and more stuff. It brings up an inner frenzy that we have to go out and buy more stuff to quell the inner panic. Stuff bought on impulse to quell the inner panic and gnawing.

How much global pain and suffering is caused by reptilian money? The money of arrogance, supremacy, domination, and control. The money that poisons our food, air, water, and environment. The junk food industries, the pharmaceuticals toxins that are highly addictive so we keep buying more to fill the craving. Sugar is 40 times more addictive than cocaine. Sugar is also highly toxic, cuts off your higher reasoning functioning, and keeps us in fear.

Some large reptilian consciousness corporations are scrambling, trying to figure out how to survive. They direct energy and resources to the social responsibility sector, if they donate enough to charity maybe that will cover up the rest of their grimy deeds. If they throw enough money at nonprofits, they’ll be saved.

The good old boy’s network. The behind the scenes money exchange that runs the world. Eons of traditions devoted to male dominance and the suppression of many, especially women. All built on patriarchy, not some cosmic message resounding through the universe, just the view of supremacy, domination, and power over others. Global coercion through fear.

The money that comes from having to put up with a sexually abusive boss, or husband, comes at a high price, often overlooked or shove aside to survive.

Reptilian money creates a fabricated reality based on the low-frequency principles of greed, might is right, and white privilege. It’s designed to keep everyone and everything in place. Serving the 1% with your blood, sweat, and life force, until you are completely drained. Then you are kicked out on the streets and deemed worthless. A prime example of this is the homeless veterans. Patriarchy feeds on your essence and then throws you away like garbage. The pollution in the oceans, land, and air is a reflection of this mentality.

For most people, fear, survival, the subconscious mind, and money are all wrapped up together.

My Story

I grew up with reptilian money; it’s all I knew. Our money was devoid of caring, nurturing, love, and support. My Dad’s income came from building and exploding nuclear bombs, destroying the environment, testing on live animals to see how much radiation they could stand.

Money covered in exploding bombs and radiation was too hot to handle. I got rid of it as soon as possible. The stock market ate it up, devoured the atomic energy of money. I knew from a very young age that my money was connected to bombs, radiation, killing people, and destroying the environment. I didn’t want anything to do with it. I was aware of this thinking, but I didn’t know how to transform it.

Reptilian money became a necessity filled with disgust and shame. Laced with greed, war, and dominance, it feels dirty and slimy. Needed for survival.

I read all the classic money books. In Napoleon Hill’s book, Think and Grow Rich, there’s a whole chapter devoted to siphoning off the feminine energy with no or little compensation to the woman. The feminine energy is treated as if it’s a God-given right for the man to abduct, abuse, and use for his financial gain. The man steals the woman’s feminine energy and then uses it to create his wealth. It’s been happening for generations.

We’re all familiar with reptilian money getting away with sexual abuse in the workplace, paying women less than men, and perpetuating the consciousness that women are second rate or inferior.

I realized deep in my DNA, money and radiation were wired together. Whenever it came to dealing with money, it either felt like a nuclear explosion or, more often, the pain and suffering caused by the radiation. Puking my guts out, massive pain in my head and occiput, feeling dizzy and overwhelmed. Fire raged in my body, my nervous system sparked flames, my whole body in panic mode. Imagine the panic of being consumed by the heat and fire of bombs. That’s what was wired in my nervous system. It was much easier to try to forget about money

The patriarchal paradigm made me sick to my stomach. The greed and selfishness of patriarchy have no bounds. It will eat itself to death and humanity will become extinct.

I discovered how to release the patriarchal money grip wired in my body and consciousness. I figured out how to unwind the money and the radiation in my DNA. Man-made weapons-grade radiation has an air of white male supremacy and arrogance wrapped around it. It’s a hard nut to crack. Once my money was set free of radiation, I could see the other layers that wanted to be transformed into source money.

Source Money

Source money nurtures the core, brings in safety, inner satisfaction, and love. Source currency filled with love; the abundant connection to source is found inside the cells, DNA, and neural pathways.

Source money comes from a new vision of honoring both the male and the female. Bringing in the compassion, love and fierce life-giving juice of the female.

What if there’s a higher frequency, a light that’s pushing from the inside out? What if everything is turned upside down? Imagine the light devouring each savory morsel of darkness. Eating on the unconscious bringing it slow frequency up to the higher frequencies of gratitude and love. Savoring every juicy tidbit of unconscious crap, like a well-aged wine, or fine cheese. Comfort and safety come from knowing you’re in the center wrapped up in your DNA, safe, protected, with the freedom to be exactly who you are. That is the basis for source money.

Source money is also known as miracles, synchronicity, opening possibilities, and cosmic connections. This is the money that feels good, generates kindness, and warm fuzzies. Multiplies with joy and delight. Spreads happiness and health.

What would that feel like in your body? How would it feel to be lusciously alive, supported, knowing it’s safe to be you?

You know when you’re connected to source money. Your vulnerable heart radiates love. Your beaming smile starts at your core and expands out to your face. Happiness emanates from the inside. Your heart expands, sparkling, pulsating into the world.

Rewrite your money story

We’re victims of reptilian money. Slaves to earn enough to survive. It’s all wired in our brains. We have the knowledge, capacity, and wisdom to change how our brains function.

There is another reality. Why not make your reality the love of your life? No one can do it for you. You have to do it yourself. A guide can light the path and advise about the upcoming challenges, but it’s a singular journey.

It’s also a collective journey. This is a journey of support, love, and safety as we each dive in and unravel our unique gifts embedded in our DNA. Together we create source currency, a new financial base that’s rooted in the brilliant gifts coded in each person’s DNA.

You have a dazzling array of gifts that combine to create your source code of money. The combination of all your gifts creates a new type of wealth. Money is needed for you to help create a new paradigm. This is the wealth of your gifts encoded in your DNA. We each have a different unique piece to contribute. Like a jigsaw puzzle, no two pieces are alike.

Global Consequences

How much global sickness is due to patriarchal greed? Physical illness, mental confusion, spiritual disconnection all result from being cut off from our own source currency.

To create a new paradigm, we each need money. Many of the old ways of earning money don’t work anymore or are unacceptable. As more people stop interacting with reptilian money, radical results will occur. Who are you giving your money to? What type of money are you earning? What kind of money are you supporting?

We are creating source currency. It’s not the good old boys’ network; it’s something new and different. Source currency starts on the grassroots level, is sustainable, nurturing, and filled with cooperation.

The real work is bringing unconscious patterns up to consciousness. Become aware of how your currency is siphoned off for the old paradigm to function.

Unplug from the old paradigm and plug your currency into you.

It’s time for consciousness to evolve and replace reptilian money with source money.

I have a Ph.D. in Cellular Transformation and am on the cutting edge of the paradigm shift. My passion is exploring new ways to assist people to evolve into who they came here to be. Visit Follow on Instagram



Dr. Cynthia Miller
Dr. Cynthia Miller

Written by Dr. Cynthia Miller

A visionary, pathbreaker, & leader in Cellular Transformation & Conscious Multidimensional Evolution; author of Unseen Connections: A Memoir

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