Hi Susan,
I can so relate to how hard it is to find your gifts under the PTSD and depression. I must admit, for me, it wasn’t an easy path to clear away all the shit and finally evolve into a healthier, happier version of myself.
The first step happened the day I was ready to kill myself. A message erupted from my guts saying, “Chose Gratitude”. It made absolutely no logical sense, I was 60 years old, homeless, all my money was lost in the stock market, almost everything I owned was stolen from my storage, and I was in massive physical pain. I was living in a tent in the wilderness and saw no reason to continue living.
Start to give thanks to all the rotten chemicals in your brain. Spiral gratitude through all your sadness, depression and PTSD. You might want to read this post. https://medium.com/invisible-illness/heres-what-helped-cure-my-massive-pain-and-ptsd-72cf0093eea5?source=friends_link&sk=a522cfeba57714b85e9b2a677d153d79
I also have a free meditation on my website. https://www.drcynthiamiller.com/
All the best to you,
Dr. Cynthia