Changing DNA to Create a New World — Which World do You Choose?
We are at an amazing point in time where we can consciously create a new reality or become extinct; kill ourselves off with a polluted environment, toxic food, and the politics of war and violence.
Or we can create something unique that’s never been on earth before. Creating the new starts by bringing consciousness into our bodies, making different choices of how we respond to the world. From this advanced perspective and vantage point, original clear thinking arises. Then, we will create a world of our dreams.
But, a hunger churns deep within, never satisfied. We reach for food, but that’s not the answer. It’s the hunger for contact with each other and the connection back to the truth of who you are. This is a deep longing for the union to feeling whole again.
It’s like we’re being eaten on the inside. Devouring that says we’re not good enough, not worthy, and unlovable. This inner violence started when our DNA was messed with back in ancient times. Each strand of DNA is garbled; it’s not correctly connected to source. This leads to sickness, disease, and depression. Malfunctions in DNA create chaos, more violence, and hatred.
These glitches in the DNA carry the imprint or the message we’re not good enough, that somehow we’re flawed way deep inside. Something’s wrong. We need to change to fit into the box that society has created. Self-doubt is wired inside. We have free will and the power to transform.
Genetic coding has been tampered with, way, way back in time. The exciting news is that we’re at this incredible pivotal point in time. We each have the power to claim the truth of who we are. Between the source and the physical body is a very ancient control center. If you look at the continuum between source and the physical body, the command post is way out toward source.
Imagine an old telephone switchboard with an operator who takes one phone line and plugs it into a huge switchboard to connect the call. That is like what the control center looks like. We each have the power to disconnect from the old switchboard and connect directly into source. This energetic command post has been named reptilian consciousness. Another way to look at it is like an artificial intelligence program set in motion in the distant past that over time kept getting more and more distorted.
The first step is to take back our genetics, to claim our direct DNA connection to source. Instead of our currency being siphoned off and used by others, connect to source and use it for awakening and evolution.
Disconnect each strand of DNA from the control center and correctly connected directly to source. Then disable the entire switchboard. Dissolving the command post requires consciousness and using free will. Our original design is to have free will, source will not interfere.
Connecting to source clears and heals each strand of DNA. All the shadows around the DNA, the holes, the rips, and the tears get repaired. Places, where alien or foreign DNA has been spliced, can be cleared.
There’s a new technology called CRISPR, for genetic engineering. A gene-editing technology, it slices genes, supposedly removes the bad ones and connects the good ones. But it’s all created in a lab with no regard for the innate wisdom of the body and that we are powerful multidimensional beings. They have trained us to shut down our inner seeing and knowing. We put blinders on and pretend that we’re just solid 3-D bodies. There’s nothing solid about our bodies. They comprise mostly space, and a bunch of particles spiraling, weaving together to create this physical form. But we’re so much more than just that.
Each person’s DNA carries a specific frequency, just like everyone’s fingerprints are unique. Labs don’t have the ability of manufacture a personal DNA frequency.
We have the power to shift our DNA. There’s scientific evidence that our thoughts and words can change our DNA. Whose thoughts and words are changing your DNA? The artificial intelligence that’s being built, discordant frequencies created by man, or is it your inner wisdom connecting to the essence and truth of who you are? These are two different avenues for transforming DNA.
Lab manipulation leads down the rabbit hole into greater control by the few to dominate the masses. The second way is tuning into your truth of who you are connecting to your source. By connecting into your true source energy and unique frequency blueprint, you can evolve into who you came here to be. You can expand into the multidimensional path breaker, the volunteer who came here to assist in this critical time of the evolution of humanity. The choice is yours. The two paths are radical in their different.
One path leads to control by the few and the deeper enslavement of humanity. The other path leads to co-creating a magical world based on love, connection, and the highest good for everyone.
As we claim our birthright and step into our power an entirely new world unfolds. This is a world based on cooperation, respect, and love. We each hold a different piece of the puzzle, a part of the vision. It’s not a vision that comes from the few. The vision appears to people all around the world. Together we’re weaving a huge tapestry and each little piece contributes to the whole grand vision. We need every part. This is the shift from being a victim to becoming a co-creator.
It’s time for humanity to wake up, evolve and create a magical world for the benefit of all.
I have a Ph.D. in Cellular Transformation and am on the cutting edge of the paradigm shift. My passion is exploring new ways to assist people to evolve into who they came here to be. Visit Follow on Instagram
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