Beyond 3-D, Core Wounds Transform into Joy and Pleasure

Dr. Cynthia Miller
6 min readJul 2, 2021


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Has the seclusion of the past year revealed unresolved issues from your past? Our core wounds are getting triggered during this time of great upheaval, isolation, and an unknown future. Core wounds passed down for generations are complex and exist on multiple dimensions. The outer facade, no longer a viable mask to cover the inner upheaval. Something dramatic has to change on the inside.

A new path transformation is emerging; Conscious Multidimensional Evolution. CM2=E™ is a powerful map for healing and creating a new reality. A treasure map to discover your secret essence, the core of your being. The journey of awakening is clearing out everything that is not you and expanding into everything that is you — a joyous process of deepening into your being.

Life revolves around insidious neural programming and corrupt DNA coding that creates core trauma. Well diversified, core wounds have their fingers in multiple dimensions, numerous blocks, and challenges — the Bottom Sludge, Nasties, neural programming, corrupt DNA coding, and matrixes.

A multidimensional trauma stew develops, making it hard to cure.

Being unloveable joins forces with trauma and feelings of unworthiness. Strong bonding occurs, creating neural bundles that grow with each firing. A specific pattern of neurons fires, triggering the production of adrenaline and fear. A mighty neural fortress develops, protecting the perpetuation of unworthiness, feeling unloveable, and self-hatred. The neural programs spiral out of conscious control. Over time, people become robots, slaves to their inner programming and corrupt DNA coding.

The old neural programs hold on for dear life.

If one dimension is cleared, the tentacles in other dimensions still trigger core wounds. The greatest love, tenderness, gratitude, and pleasure release trauma. Trauma is not cleared by yanking out, sedating with toxic prescriptions, cajoling with talk, or linear prescribed straight paths. A curved path, following joy and pleasure, is the key to healing trauma.

This fictional story of Celeste is a prime example of unwinding core trauma and the process of Conscious Multidimensional Evolution. Celeste feels unlovable, distant from everyone, cut off from the feminine, inhabited by unknown energies. The framework, more disgusting than most matrixes, has influenced every aspect of Celeste’s life. Not loving herself and not receiving love lead her to want to escape; the anguish was too much to bear.

Her matrix is thick, impacted with sticky glue, layer upon layer, each darker filled with more crap. It feels forbidden to release this matrix; it’s encoded in her whole identity. Celeste wonders, “Will I lose myself without it?”

Her inner structure of being unlovable is more extensive than most; it goes all the way through her body into the earth. One of the Nasties™, an inner gremlin, is masquerading as white light. Look closely; it’s a milky white, opaque. Real white light is luminescent and carries the qualities of love, joy, and pleasure.

The Nastie warns that it’s forbidden to pass beyond its grasp. Long tendrils take root in her nervous system, manipulating how the neural synapses fire, which pathways they will follow, continuing the pattern of feeling unlovable.

Skinny finger-like threads worm their way into every part of Celeste’s body. “Who do you think you are?” bellows an inner voice. “You aren’t allowed to do this.” The unseen milky white Nastie takes over her consciousness. “No one will love you; you won’t have any friends.” The voice, so familiar, known her whole life, precedes, “You won’t fit in if you go any further.”

She’s ready to give in and believe the repugnant inner voice. In a flash of awakening, Celeste screams out, “This is my body, leave.”

The tenacious Nastie stands firm; it has lived in her body and her lineage for eons. “You are unworthy of love; I am your only hope.”

Tears stream, the profound loss of a lifelong companion felt; it makes no sense. Why would she feel sad? Beyond the tears, rage starts to boil. Her life force sucked off, the nagging inner voice of being unlovable; she’s beyond despair.

“I claim my body,” Celeste shouts out to the empty room. The milky white entity starts to shrink. As Celeste imagines a vortex of love spiraling around the energy, it dissolves into nothingness.

She can barely move. Like an MRI where a beam of light slices through the brain, gratitude goes back and forth across layers of her head, pulling back a thin sheet of shadow. Each swipe sweeps, dissolving a layer of the matrix. Starting at her crown, horizontal stratum, all the way down to her toes. Not quite a headache, she’s tired — all resources of energy devoted to cellular transformation. The vertical matrix beams collapse beyond her feet into the earth.

Exhausted, she can’t keep her eyes open; the spontaneous process continues. It feels like digging junk out of her skin surrounded by maggots, the scabs, old rags of being unlovable and abandoned woven into the fabric of her skin, etched into her bones, tattooed on her muscles. Finally, layers flee, swoop around the room, glide out the door, and find freedom in the sky.

As the energies leave, she feels beat up on the inside. Punched in the stomach, slapped in the face, shoulders scrunched up from carrying generations of feeling unworthy and unloved. Her shoulders ache, releasing the heavy load.

For hours, gratitude weaves back-and-forth through her body, dismantling the structure, clearing out tons of debris. The transformation goes deeper than ever before, driving back and forth, in and out, through layers of skin and bone, beyond energy and DNA, into core essence. Energy swirls, like a murmuration of birds, removing every trace of being unlovable. Love dances up and down her spine, connecting on every dimension. Her OmniFrame™, a luminescent holographic toroidal framework, spins in magical delight, a new way of being on earth is emerging.

This process has been going on for almost twenty-four hours. On the couch, Celeste is exhausted and revived; waves of energies frolic and swirl. Her heart resonates in a new frequency beyond anything experienced before. Love, that elusive energy she searched for her whole life, is here, inside.

Diving in deeper, beyond anatomy and words, is her core essence, the tiny seed that radiates microscopic waves that traverse the cosmos.

Deep in her belly, waves of joy ripple through her body. Her body jerks, pulsates, and gyrates in weird snake-like ways, unwinding the matrix. Freedom, her soul essence surges, sensuously flowing, gushing into all the spaces where the Nasty lived. Pleasure oozes down her legs; her toes wiggle in delight. A smile radiates, arms flowing through the air, a new level of freedom prevails. Her OmniFrame glistens, strengthens, holding more of her divine essence. Dancing around the room she claims her power, her body, her life.

The safety of being loved sinks in, relaxed body, she melts into the couch. Excited about the future, ready to fall asleep, yet curious to be awake experiencing this amazing love.

Her feet open, golden threads of light codes sparkle through her body into the earth. A new dimension of her OmniFrame lights up. The soles of her feet tingle; the freedom is so expensive. More of her multidimensional energy is fully present, linked to the earth’s crystals; she feels like she can fly. Vortices in the bottom of each foot spiral creating a new trajectory, like a bungee cord where she can explore more extraordinary aspects of the universe while being fully grounded and connected to the earth.

The following day another Nastie appears; this one is from another dimension. Fluorescent green eyes, spiky hair, long teeth tell her that she can’t be loved. “You are despicable, scum,” retorts this Nastie.

Celeste responds, “I love you.” Shocked, the Nastie doesn’t know how to react. It’s never heard those words before. She repeats, “I love you, I love you.” The Nastie melts into a puddle and dissolves into nothingness. Layers of Bottom Sludge release, cascading into bliss and pleasure.

Dr. Cynthia Miller has a Ph.D. in Cellular Transformation and is on the cutting edge of the paradigm shift. Her passion is exploring new ways to assist people to evolve into who they came here to be.

Discover more and explore working with Dr. Cynthia; she works with clients all over the world!



Dr. Cynthia Miller
Dr. Cynthia Miller

Written by Dr. Cynthia Miller

A visionary, pathbreaker, & leader in Cellular Transformation & Conscious Multidimensional Evolution; author of Unseen Connections: A Memoir

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