74 Years, 11 Wisdom Nuggets
OMG, 74 years, I never expected to live this long! Looking back over a full, amazing life, there are a few insights I’ve learned along the way I’d love to share with you.
I’m one of the fortunate ones who's lived through all the phases, birth, maiden, near-death, mother, grandmother, crone. Each chapter adds a new dimension of insights.
1. Be you. Screw what other people think. The older I get, the more I love this one. I’m at the age where it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks about me. It is such a relief, there’s so much freedom being exactly who I am. There is tremendous joy and satisfaction for being true to yourself. Don’t wait, start now.
2. Life is a wave, not a straight line. Everything is a wave, a frequency, from your heartbeat to the rhythm of your life. On an EKG machine, when there’s a flat-liner, it means you’re dead. To experience the highs, you’re got to go through the lows. Instead of making yourself wrong for the slumps, bring spiraling gratitude to everything and watch it transform into delight and magnificence.
Life is not a linear, straight line, it’s a curvy path. The more curves, the greater the experience and adventures. Why not explore the wave rather than try to make it a straight shot from birth to death?
3. Enjoy your body, it’s the only one you’ve got. Do the stuff that turns you on. Rivers excite me. I became one of the first female white water river guides back in the 70s. It was one of the most thrilling, powerful, and fondly remembered parts of my life.
4. Let it go. You are who you are because of what your parents did and didn’t do. Let it all go, all the judgments, resentments, and blaming, everything is part of the process of you evolving into a greater version of who you are. Forgive yourself. Love yourself.
5. Your cells are conscious. Your body hears everything; talk nice to yourself. When I met Emily, she could barely walk. Her toes curled up under her feet. When she was little, her mother’s comments crippled her. Her mother said she was unworthy, she would never amount to anything, and couldn’t stand on her own two feet. The thought-forms of her mother’s words coiled around each of her toes. She took her mother’s words into her body; we all do. We disentangled all the negative words, thoughts and energies snarled around each toe. After that, Emily stood her ground, took a stance on her own two feet and radically change her life.
We all have the power to change our self-talk, thinking, and beliefs about ourselves.
6. Transformation and change start from the inside and then moves out into the world. Unless you change your thinking and neural programming, you will keep creating the same stuff in different areas of your life. Trust yourself. You are the only one who knows what’s best for you.
7. Don’t be so serious. Lighten up. Have more fun. Things work out, miracles occur.
8. Dance, twirl, spin. Enjoy. Keep your pineal gland spinning. Most people’s pineal glands are calcified with fluoride. When your pineal gland spins and is activated, it leads to higher realms of consciousness.
9. More juicy, luscious, flowing, wild, earthshaking sex. Enjoy ecstatic erotic bliss.
10. Travel the world, get out of your bubble of reality, broaden your limited perspective. Explore this amazing earth, her people and the diversity of different cultures.
Spend time in nature. Tune into the beauty of this earth and nurture your soul.
11. Give yourself permission to evolve into who you came here to be. Come out of hiding, speak up, let your brilliance shine. You are a multi-dimensional being. The world is ready for your vision. The part you have to play matters.
Go for it, have fun, enjoy this magnificent ride called life.
I have a Ph.D. in Cellular Transformation and am on the cutting edge of the paradigm shift. My passion is exploring new ways to assist people to evolve into who they came here to be. Visit www.drcynthiamiller.com/ Follow on Instagram