A global shift is now happening!A global shift is now happening, we are evolving into our powerful, authentic selves — the new human!Mar 4Mar 4
Your Cosmic Neural NetworksI’ve been writing about and working with neural networks for years.Sep 15, 2022Sep 15, 2022
The Energies are Shifting… The Great Divide is more visible.Have you noticed the energies are changing? The Great Divide is becoming more visible, a division related to how we see and experience the…May 2, 2022May 2, 2022
Spiraling into FormDuring this time of upheaval and chaos, a different reality is appearing.Oct 13, 20212Oct 13, 20212
Do You Hear a Ringing in Your Ears?How to protect yourself from low-frequency blasts.Jul 21, 2021Jul 21, 2021
Beyond 3-D, Core Wounds Transform into Joy and PleasureHas the seclusion of the past year revealed unresolved issues from your past? Our core wounds are getting triggered during this time of…Jul 2, 2021Jul 2, 2021
We know the bad; what’s the good emerging from the pandemic?Humanity is in a global reset. Not to diminish the deaths, severe life changes, and global panic, but another level of change is happening…Jun 20, 20212Jun 20, 20212
How do Writers Influence Reality?Even though I’ve published five books, I never felt like a writer. I felt more like an imposter. I’ve been writing bits and pieces and…Feb 28, 20213Feb 28, 20213